Happy update day!
I didn't feel like I had much to say, but I didn't want to break this tradition before it even had a chance to shine, so here I am. New update! ... Hi everyone. How are we all doing? I'll start by talking about some stuff I've been doing recently...
As usual, it's just gaming, lol. That said, I've been playing different things from usual. Usually I'm stuck to games that are about numbers going... In different directions. RPG's, mostly, but the last week I've played a range of things. Sonic is something I always enjoy but it takes long absenses from my life at times - as does everything, I suppose, but Sonic is much harder to chill out and play... I have to focus a lot more. The games can sometimes feel like a bit of a performance? Not all of them, of course, but Lulu has been playing Sonic Unleashed as of late.
I love Sonic Unleashed!
... But it IS somewhat taxing. The day stages I enjoy the most, and she seems to enjoy them less than the werehog levels, and has been happy to let me do them. That's been really fun! But it can get frustrating constantly constantly having to repeat levels due to deaths that I really didn't feel like were fair...
On top of that, Lulu has never played Undertale - she literally knew nothing about it! It's been so fun to introduce her to the game! Undertale is one game I feel everyone needs to play - it really reminds you the importance of sincerity.
The pacifist route made me cry at the end, but that is to be expected. It wasn't bad... It just made me feel something. I don't feel like I feel anything sometimes, so it was nice to feel touched, even if it make my face... leak, lol. I played through a pacifist route and then did a genocide route - Sans took many, many hours, lol. But in the end, I did it, which I was pretty happy with it. But.... Yeah, I feel like I need to cool down now, lol.
What has been nice however, is getting more used to playing Sonic games in a way I can relax and not have to worry about it. Sonic Adventure 2 has reached the point where I can relax, and play it while not thinking too much about it, even while I'm high! I'm worrying less about my performance and more just about... Having fun. So that's pretty positive, I think. My Digimon tamagotchi's are looking at me also, and digimon tends to rekindle my interest in Japanese... Maybe a hatch of one of those could be healthy? In a weird way?
Creatively, nothing has happened. But... I think that's ok. It's not what I want, but I think it is ok. Maybe tomorrow. Who knows...
Anyway. I think that's all for today. Thanks for reading. If you did. And as always, I guess.... Stay cool, like a swimming pool❤